Riparian Habitats
Riparian habitats, those areas adjacent to streams, are integral to the ecological health of
watershed. Riparian areas serve as a vital link between aquatic and upland habitats. Forested buffers
offer benefit for stream bank stabilization through dense root system, sediment and nutrient
filtration, aesthetic diversity, and flood protection. Grass and shrub zones provide economic
viability and incentive for farmers who utilize stream-side land for agricultural production.
The Sewickley Creek Watershed Association has received a Growing Greener grant from the
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and has partnered with the Western Pennsylvania
Conservancy, the Westmoreland Conservation District, Natural Resources Conservation Services,
California University Partner for Fish and Wildlife, Ducks Unlimited, and Pheasants Forever
for the Sewickley Creek Reparian Improvement Initiative (SCRII).
This initiative was designed to develop partnerships with landowners in the watershed and assist
them with choosing and installing various Best Management Procedures (BMP) that will reduce run
off and increase the amount of carbon sequestered from the atmosphere. SCRII includes 3.5 miles
of stream bank fencing, 8 stream bank crossings, 4 spring developments, and the planting of 10 acres of
warm season grass. This initiative was completed winter 2007.